If you are anxious in social settings or even when alone, do not suffer in silence. You do not have to live the rest of your life feeling anxious. New York Metropolitan Psychiatry is here to treat your anxiety so you can finally return your life to normal. There is no shame in admitting you feel anxious. Anxiety is perfectly normal. However, if your anxiety interferes with your quality of life or causes excessive fear, there is a clear need for treatment. Dial (914) 244-7208 to schedule an initial consultation where we set the stage for anxiety treatment that helps you live a normal and productive life.
Anxiety disorders are treated with talk therapy, also known as psychotherapy. Anxiety is also treated with prescription drugs. Plenty of patients suffering from anxiety have greatly benefited from a combination of psychotherapy and prescription drugs. The prescription medications you are prescribed will be monitored and analyzed across posterity to ensure they provide the intended results. If you are provided with medication for anxiety, it is important that you adhere to the psychiatrist’s instructions for frequency of use. Follow your psychiatrist’s detailed instructions, honor your commitment to completing psychotherapy sessions and you will make meaningful progress toward eliminating or at least better managing your anxiety.