Medication Evaluation and Management
Are you completely certain the medication you have been prescribed is suitable for your nuanced mental and biological health needs? It is in your interest to schedule a medication evaluation and management consultation with New York Metropolitan Psychiatry by dialing (914) 244-7208. Our team is here to ensure you are using the proper medication at the appropriate dosage in unison with therapy and/or additional treatment modalities. Please bring your pharmacy records, records of pharmacogenetics testing and/or psychoeducational testing to your appointment.
We will invest the time necessary to fully understand your unique symptoms, help you understand your problem and determine whether your current medication, including its dosage, is appropriate. If you have been using medication or if you would like a comprehensive evaluation to commence medication, our psychiatrist is here to help you determine which specific medications are ideal and the frequency of use. Our psychiatrist’s assessment combined with the severity of your symptoms will shape the ensuing treatment plan, ensuring the medications you take are beneficial for your idiosyncratic mental health needs.